Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's time for Christmas!

Okay, so I wasn't ready for Christmas. How in the world did it get to be December 24th again without me even knowing December had arrived? I still had/have so many jobs to get done - I mean I haven't even started the advent calender I planned on making for December! So today after fighting with Mike because I wasn't ready to leave (still finishing Christmas presents) I began to wonder how could Christmas be turning out so bad. Well, I've learned if you ask the Lord a question, He will answer you - but you must be still to hear. So, once I quieted down a thought hit me and here it is... Do you think Mary was ready for Christmas when the first contraction hit? Do you think she rejoiced? I really doubt it as a mother myself I'm sure she began thinking of all the things that weren't perfect yet. Maybe for starters, I don't have anywhere to have my baby or maybe my family isn't here to be with me or maybe I didn't find the perfect "outfit" yet for my baby, or ... She wasn't ready yet either, she didn't have things in perfect order for Christmas and yet it was time. So she had two choices: would she deny the joy of the moment - a moment that would change eternity or would she embrace the moment even though she wasn't ready yet. So, will I choose to embrace the true reason for this season - will I really celebrate Christmas or will I continue to not be ready because things aren't perfect? For me, I am choosing to celebrate Jesus birthday and not my expectations. Guess what, that choice has brought me a wonderful Christmas Eve and I am filled with peace just as Mary was so many years ago as she gazed at Jesus in a stable with animals all around; an unperfect situation made so right by the Saviour of the world. Merry Christmas to all and please remember to enjoy the moment, made perfect by the birth of Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Wendy,

    I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas day together!!
