Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope your are having a wonderful '"lovey" day as we call it here.  We are dressed in red, the kids helped me make a dessert, and I let them off the hook with their schoolwork today (really I wanted to have some time to scrap, but that hasn't happened yet).  Tonight we are planning to have heart pancakes, dirt and pepperoni bread - sounds delicious doesn't it?  :)

So even though my hubby and I aren't doing anything for Valentine's tonight we actually had a very busy weekend.  Sunday night we had a Valentine's dinner at our church so that was nice to spend some time with friends.  But the big event that really will put Valentine's 2012 on the map is we went to see the Duggars on Saturday!  Let me tell you, this was a huge dream come true for me.  They were at Liberty University for a marriage conference and since this isn't too far away, we bought tickets found babysitting and headed off without ANY kids!  :) 

I so enjoyed myself - they are really just the way they seem on TV, very sweet and sincere.  Michelle is short and looks very well after having 19 kids (I was wondering on this one b/c I know how my body changed with each of ours).  Michelle is extremely sweet and has such a loving voice all the time - this is something that I was really challenged on, to keep my voice quiet and speak lovingly all the time.

They shared some of what their testimony, some which is in their books but some that wasn't.  I had really gone to ask one question - Michelle had said on TV or in a book that the first 5 were the hardest.  Well I am at that spot right now.  I did really well up to this point in our lives, but 5 kids is really HARD.  I've really been praying that the Lord would give me wisdom what I could do to make things more peaceful and accomplish more in our days.  Well the Lord heard my prayer and that is exactly what she spoke on in depth - how she got passed that point and triumphed in her struggle.  You should have seen me in there, I was a mess!  But man, both Mike and I came home with some things to try to implement in our lives and the change has already been amazing.  I am so grateful that the Lord heard my prayer, touched another person's heart to share what I needed and that I was able to meet someone that I really respect.  What a wonderful Valentine's present!

So I will leave you with a picture of us with the Duggars, I am sure you will see a layout eventually about this, but it hasn't happened yet.

And one other dream of mine that came true last night, I got a request from Scrapbook Trends for one of my layouts!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the request from Scrapbook Trends Wendy! That is amazing that you were able to see the Duggars too
